Travel & Fitness Bag Collection
Our new collection brings you the convenience and in style experience with multi-functional duffle & travel bags.

After years and years of working on the fashion and gymnastics industry, we began to ask ourselves the question, “why aren’t there a few decent options for fitness wear but still make the user flattering and attractive?”.
Autend is a premium sportwears house and a “personal trainer” for your fitness and fashion style. Founded by fitness and fashion enthusiasts, our mission is to inspire not only your fitness wardrobe but also your everyday wears. We stock exciting fitness wear and accessories specially designed to accent your beauty while getting you closer and closer to your fitness goals. We also believe that sportwears style can be applied to all kinds of activities in your dailylife as we all seek for comfort, quality and beauty all in one apparel. We exist to give you the confidence to be whoever you want to be, whenever and wherever you are.